
If you’re looking for housing, please click on Find Housing in the menu above and contact the property you are interested in directly. The manager can answer questions regarding apartment availability, rent, income requirements or restrictions, and how to obtain an application for housing.

350 California St.
Suite 1600
San Francisco, CA 94104

San Diego
4142 Adams Ave.
Suite 103-627
San Diego, CA 92116

Los Angeles
15260 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 800
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

830 NE Holladay St.
Portland, OR 97232

For general information about living at our properties please find our FAQs on the Find Housing page.

If you’re interested in a career with BRIDGE, please visit our Careers page.

For other inquiries not listed above, please call our offices at (415) 989-1111 or email our general information inbox.